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Medford Water Commission

Medford Water Commission - 541.774.2430
Buck Rowden, a Lasting Legacy

Buck Rowden in 2008
We were saddened to learn earlier this week of the passing of George “Buck” Rowden, former caretaker of Medford Water Commission’s Big Butte Springs. At 77, Buck was part of a lasting legacy that still benefits our utility–and in turn, our community–today.
Buck’s dad, George Sr., moved his family to the Springs in 1948 upon taking the caretaker job there when Buck was five years old. At the time, little oversight was needed, and patrol of the water pipeline was done on horseback. As he grew up, he learned a lot about the Springs and the watershed from his dad and worked with him often.
In 1962, when George Sr.’s health issues forced him to retire, Buck took over at just 19 years old, eventually overseeing the construction of key disinfection facilities, the expansion of the watershed, and many other projects crucial to our organization’s growth.
Buck continued to operate and care for the Springs facilities full time until 2003, and on a semi-retired basis for several years after that. In 2008, the Commission completed construction of the Rowden Pavilion at the Springs site to honor the legacy of Buck and his family. He is pictured above next to the pavilion with a plaque that bears his name as well as that of his father and his son.
We honor Buck’s extensive service to Medford Water Commission as an integral part of our history and success.

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