Board of Water Commissioners Approve Modified Water Rates Effective March 1, 2025

In December 2024, the Board of Water Commissioners approved water rate modifications for all groups served by the Medford Water system at a public hearing, and the modified rates go into effect March 1, 2025.

As part of our mission to safeguard public health by providing a reliable, high-quality water supply at the best value, we conduct annual studies to determine the revenue necessary to prudently fund replacement of aging infrastructure, construction of resilient facilities, and improvements in the facilities that store, treat, and transport water to our approximately 150,000 customers. Accomplishing this is tied to the implementation of our 10-year Capital Plan, which serves as a roadmap for the renewal, replacement, and expansion of facilities needed to serve these customers, as well as the financial planning of these projects so that the funding is available when it is needed.

Our 2024 study showed that rate changes are required to meet our revenue needs for our Capital Plan projects; we have also sought out alternative funding sources, such as Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) funding, and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grants. This funding strategy helps us keep rates down and allows our customers to benefit from significant cost savings. In addition, it allows us to continue a tradition of safely and effectively delivering water to the growing population of the Rogue Valley.

For a summary of the modified rates and schedules for all customer classes, effective March 1, 2025, click here. They average 15.4% for single-family residential customers in Medford with a 3/4″ meter and 12k gallons of usage, or approximately $5.62 per billing for average usage.
