Our office is closed due to inclement weather, but we are available via phone and email. Please call us at (541) 774-2430 or email customerservice@medfordwater.org.

Bill Payment Assistance Programs Offer Helping Hand

At one point or another, we all need a little help. If you are struggling financially, you are not alone; Medford Water recognizes that customers may experience financial hardships that limit the ability to pay their water bill.

In addition to payment arrangements (depending upon account history) and other flexible payment options, we provide annual grants to The Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, and ACCESS for water bill payment assistance to qualifying low-income families. If you are having difficulty paying your water bill, give any one of these agencies a call; they may be able to help you.

Applicant screening and disbursement of funds are handled by each agency. To avoid an interruption in your water service, there must be an active and up-to-date payment agreement on your account. Contact Customer Service for more information about these agencies, bill payment assistance, or other payment options at (541) 774-2430 or customerservice@medfordwater.org.
