Our office is closed due to inclement weather, but we are available via phone and email. Please call us at (541) 774-2430 or email customerservice@medfordwater.org.

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Amid our usually mild and fairly dry winters in Southern Oregon, we do occasionally get extreme cold spells, and knowing how to prevent problems can therefore be important. While the water pipes and home plumbing on the customer side of the meter are the customer’s responsibility, the expense and inconvenience that can result from frozen pipes is one we hope to help you avoid.

To prevent frozen pipes during freezing weather, here are some key points to remember:

  • Insulation: This is the primary method to prevent pipes from freezing; prioritize insulating pipes in unheated areas of your home such as crawl spaces, garages and outdoors.
  • Maintain consistent temperature: Keep your thermostat set at a temperature above freezing, even when you’re away.
  • Let faucets drip: A slow trickle of water from faucets, especially those near exterior walls, can prevent ice from forming inside the pipes. While this does not seem very water-efficient, it could actually save you water compared to a pipe break.
  • Access to pipes: Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate around pipes. This is especially helpful for pipes that share an outside wall.
  • Outdoor hoses: Disconnect and drain all outdoor hoses before freezing weather. Place insulation caps on hose bibs.
  • Locate shut-off valves: Know where your main water shut-off valve is located in case of a burst pipe. In our area, often the only shutoff is next to the water meter. Open the meter box during extreme cold only if necessary to turn your water off, and close the lid as quickly as possible; cold air can freeze the meter.
  • Should a pipe freeze, never thaw it with an open flame. Use a hair dryer, heat lamps or space heaters.

For more information on these tips, please contact Cody at conserve@medfordwater.org or 541-774-2436.
