Join Us for Imagine a Day Without Water – October 17, 2024

Join us for Imagine a Day Without Water, a national day of action, bringing together communities and policymakers to advance greater and more equitable water investment. Held on October 17, 2024, and led by the Value of Water Campaign, its goal is to educate and inspire the nation on the crucial need for investment in our nation’s water infrastructure, to ensure that no American community is left without safe and reliable water.

When you have reliable water service, you don’t have to think twice about the infrastructure that brings water to your home or business, and then safely returns water to the environment—but we all should. Medford Water works every day to improve and maintain our system so that we can provide a reliable, high quality water supply for present and future generations, but in general, America’s water infrastructure is aging and failing. There are even communities that have never had access to infrastructure in the first place; many don’t have to imagine a day without water because they live without it every day.

For this year’s Imagine a Day Without Water, organizers want to know: What’s your drop in the bucket? When we collectively raise our voices to acknowledge the critical role water plays in every aspect of our lives, our bucket overflows. Learn more about the campaign and sign up to participate at:
