Water Rates


Medford Water, established by a change to the city charter in 1922, is an autonomous agency that operates and maintains the system that delivers high-quality drinking water to approximately 150,000 Rogue Valley residents. We do not receive any revenue from taxes; rather, we operate on revenue primarily from water sales, as well as system development charges, and fees for specific services.

water droplets hitting glass like blue water creating beautiful ripples.

Our Customers
We directly serve residential, commercial, and industrial customers within the City of Medford and a small number of customers in unincorporated areas, including White City. Additionally, Elk City Water District purchases water from us. We provide billing and customer service on behalf of White City and the District.
The cities of Central Point, Eagle Point, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Talent, and Ashland are served on a surplus, wholesale basis; customers in these cities should contact their city water department for their local water rates and assistance with their water account.

What Do Water Rates Pay For?

  • Water treatment and filtration
  • Operating and maintaining the water system
  • Providing customer service
  • Complying with regulatory standards 
  • Constructing, maintaining, and replacing water facilities
  • Building a more resilient water system that will help us continue to serve the Rogue Valley into our second hundred years

Current Rates

Choose an option below to view our current water rates (effective March 1, 2025), as well as SDCs and other charges. 

Residential Service INSIDE the City of Medford

Effective March 1, 2025

Meter Size and
Monthly Charge:
Residential backflow fee:For customers at gravity elevation (without high-elevation charges):
⅝” x ¾”: $20.88$0.90 per monthFirst 5,000 gallons: $1.19 per 1,000 gallon
1”: $32.73Next 20,000 gallons: $2.15 per 1,000 gallon
1½”: $67.01High elevation charge:Over 25,000 gallons: $3.12 per 1,000 gallon
2”: $100.07$5.46 per monthHigh elevation gallonage surcharge: $0.10 per 1,000 gallons (for service above elevation 1,500 where booster station pumping is provided by the utility, for each 150 ft in elevation or additional fraction thereof)

Residential Water Bill Examples

Assuming ¾” meter, gravity elevation, 5,000-gallon consumption

Base charge$20.88
Volume charge
5,000 gallons x $1.19$5.95
Residential Backflow fee$0.90
Total water bill$27.73

Assuming ¾” meter, gravity elevation, 25,000-gallon consumption

Base charge$20.88
Volume Charge
5,000 gallons x $1.19$5.95
20,000 gallons x $2.15$43.00
Residential Backflow fee$0.90
Total Water Bill$70.73

Commercial / Multi-Family / Industrial INSIDE City of Medford

Effective March 1, 2025

Meter Size and Monthly ChargeHigh Elevation ChargeSummer (Apr. through Sep.):
⅝” x ¾”: $20.88$5.46 per month$2.12 per 1,000 gallons
1”: $32.73
1½”: $67.01Winter (Oct. through Mar.):
2”: $100.07$1.92 per 1,000 gallons
3”: $198.63
4″: $310.72High elevation gallonage surcharge: $0.10 per 1,000 gallons (for service above elevation 1,500 where booster station pumping is provided by the utility, for each 150 ft in elevation or additional fraction thereof)
6″: $595.24
8″: $914.92
10″: $1,395.47

Service OUTSIDE the City of Medford (White City and other unincorporated areas)

Effective March 1, 2025

Meter Size and Monthly ChargeResidential backflow fee:Residential gallonage charge:
⅝” x ¾”: $29.04$0.90 per month (Single family only)First 5,000 gallons: $1.74 per 1,000 gallon
1”: $48.28Next 20,000 gallons: $3.17 per 1,000 gallon
1½”: $97.08High Elevation Charge:Over 25,000 gallons: $4.65 per 1,000 gallon
2”: $142.97$6.21 per month
3”: $300.29Commercial gallonage charge:
4”: $456.34BBS Pipeline Surcharge:Summer (Apr. through Sep.): $2.81 per 1,000 gallons
6”: $859.21$5.13 per monthWinter (Oct. through Mar.): $2.61 per 1,000 gallons
8″: $1,293.50
10″: $1,946.26BBS Pipeline Surcharge, with Backflow:High elevation gallonage surcharge: $0.10 per 1,000 gallons
(for service above elevation 1,500 where booster station pumping is provided by the utility, for each 150 ft in elevation or additional fraction thereof).
$12.73 per month

Water District Customers Served by Medford Water

Customer rates are set by the water district and collected by Medford Water on behalf of the water district. These charges include Medford Water charges as well as district charges.

Base Charge$11.88 per month
(⅝” x ¾” meter; including backflow fee)
Volume charges
Winter (Oct. through Mar.):$1.36 per 1,000 gallons
Summer (Apr. through Sept.):$1.62 per 1,000 gallons

Bulk Water Dispenser Rate

Effective March 1, 2025

These rates apply to the sale of bulk water from Medford Water’s dispenser located at the City of Medford Service Center, at 821 N. Columbus Ave., Medford, Oregon 97501 (Jackson County operates the station at 724 Antelope Road in White City; please contact them at 541-774-8184 for current rate information for that station).  

Water Gallonage Charge
All gallonage, per 1,000 gallons$5.39

Other Rates

Effective March 1, 2025

Click here for a comprehensive listing of all water rates for all customer groups, Exhibit E of Medford Water’s Regulations Governing Water Service.

Development Fees / System Development Charges (SDCs)

System Development Charges (SDCs) are reviewed annually. For a list of current charges in effect for all NEW development, go to our Development Fees Page.

Charges for Special Services

Effective July 1, 2024

Field Collection Charge
Discontinuation of service due to non-payment$20
Restoration of Service
During regular hours (8:00am-4:30pm, M-F)$20
Tampering with meter$100 (min. plus damages)
Shut-off Notice processing fee$15
Customer deposit$90
Returned Payment Charge
Insufficient Funds$25

Click here for a complete list of Charges for Special Services, Exhibit D of Medford Water’s Regulations Governing Water Service.

Rates Summary
View a non-inclusive summary of rates over all customer groups and gallonage tiers.

Call 541-774-2430 or email us at customerservice@medfordwater.org for additional questions.