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Medford Water Commission

Medford Water Commission - 541.774.2430
TOMORROW: Neighborhood Open House - Capital Hill Reservoir Replacement and Public Safety Tower Relocation Projects, June 4th from 6-7:30pm
Monday, June 03, 2024

We invite you to attend a Neighborhood Open House to learn more about the Capital Hill Reservoir Replacement Project on Tuesday, June 4th, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Roxy Ann Grange, 1850 Spring Street. This will be a great opportunity for neighbors to get the latest updates on the upcoming reservoir replacement project and learn about the public safety tower and its new location. The reservoir project team as well as the public safety communications tower project team will be available to provide updates and answer questions.  

At this open house we will tell you about the:

  • Reservoir location, size, and shape
  • General construction dates
  • Public safety radio tower relocation timing and location (City of Medford and Public Safety Towers Company)
  • What to expect next
To learn more about the Capital Hill Reservoir Replacement Project, go to medfordwater.org/capitalhill To learn more about the Public Safety Tower Relocation Project, go to medfordoregon.gov/safetytower.


The event will be recorded for viewing at a later date if you cannot attend.

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